Friday, 11 February 2011

The deadline is getting closer....

We have less than 4 weeks to go and most people are making good progress. I'd like lots of you to aim for A grades, so you need to really work on those pages to make sure they're perfect! If you'd like to see some excellent blogs from last year, have a look at:

Oliver Adams-Liggins

Daisy Squire

Imogen Smith

Kath Bourne

Hannah Sharrad

Hannah Stanton Warren

All of the blogs mentioned above (plus many of the other ones) are good for a variety of reason - some have excellent pages, some have excellent research and some have very good evaluations.

Remember, to do a good evaluation you should try and use different technologies, so consider making a podcast or video of your evaluation.

Finally, the deadline is the 11th March. So go go go!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Welcome Back

Happy New Year!
Hope you all had a great holiday and have come back refreshed and ready to do some work. We are now moving on to the main task, which is to create your music magazine. For this, everything needs to be of a higher standard and you should all be aiming to get the top grades! Make sure your action plans are posted on your blog this week so that you know exactly what you need to do each lesson.
I'm looking forward to seeing some excellent final products - deadline is Friday 11th March