Friday, 11 February 2011

The deadline is getting closer....

We have less than 4 weeks to go and most people are making good progress. I'd like lots of you to aim for A grades, so you need to really work on those pages to make sure they're perfect! If you'd like to see some excellent blogs from last year, have a look at:

Oliver Adams-Liggins

Daisy Squire

Imogen Smith

Kath Bourne

Hannah Sharrad

Hannah Stanton Warren

All of the blogs mentioned above (plus many of the other ones) are good for a variety of reason - some have excellent pages, some have excellent research and some have very good evaluations.

Remember, to do a good evaluation you should try and use different technologies, so consider making a podcast or video of your evaluation.

Finally, the deadline is the 11th March. So go go go!